Monday, March 31, 2014

Who Needs Sleep? #bemoreawesome

When I commit to something I always do it 100%. I become obsessed with things that I am passionate about and I put my full heart and head into them. The only problem is currently I have TOO many things that matter to me, too many things that require a good amount of my time and attention, too many things that I am obsessed with!

Professionally I am obsessed with #twitter, Mystery Skype and Edcamps (attending and planning)! In addition to these I am really involved in my school and seem to always have a to-do list with 183 items. 
In between both of these I have 3 blogs including this one, a tech blog  and a Mystery Location blog. 
Personally I have a photography business, a family and I want to be obsessed with running.

What is the problem you ask? Time! There aren't enough days in the week, hours in a day or minutes in an hour to do all the things I want to do! So, the best I have to offer today is WHO NEEDS SLEEP? There isn't one thing that I want to give up and all things that I want to devote time and energy towards.  So way to go Kid President, you've inspired me to #beMOREawesome !

Sunday, March 9, 2014

St. Patrick's Day 8k

No race is complete without an adorable outfit (CHECK- green striped tights, green tutu, green shirt, green shamrock necklaces, green shamrock headband). It  also seems that miserable weather is a requirement! I am sure there is going to be some point throughout the year, say about July that I would appreciate a frigid 39 degrees but today was not the day! Between Love the Run Your With and today 0 running happened as the therapist ordered. This made me a little nervous going into the 8k and at my last therapy appointment I asked how I should handle the run. After a little negotiating we compromised on Run/Walk. What we didn't agree on was the amount of time or distance for the run/walk. I decided to see how things went at the race and I made it about 2 miles before my knee started hurting! Rather than pushing through the remainder of the race I heard the therapist saying Run/Walk. While I didn't quite stick to the walk 1 minute run 1 minute that he had suggested I did start walking just before the 2nd mile.  With all of the walking I somehow managed to finish with a faster time than in December where I only walked through water stations. 

St Patrick's Day 8k   1:01:40
Jingle All The Way 8K   1:04:01