Monday, February 10, 2014

Running Dreams Crushed

Happy Monday! I got to start my day with physical therapy where my running dreams were crushed or at least for the next few weeks months. I am not even a "real runner" but being told "I can't" doesn't sit well with me. After an examination and a million questions it was determined that I have 3 issues to battle as I continue my running journey including;  Patellar Tendinitis, IT Band Syndrome, and Patellofemoral Syndrome. It seemed so easy for the therapist to just suggest that I stop running and take up something else like biking or swimming! I tried to explain my goal to him which is a race a month in 2014. His simple response was, "Why?" I guess I didn't have much of a comeback other than "Because, that's what I decided to do." I also told him that when I do something I do it 150% and I committed to the year by signing up for almost all 12 races. His reply, "I'm sure you can give your bib numbers away." He was having no parts in my excuses to KEEP running. I thought I would get somewhere by sharing the reasons why I LOVE running, ok so I don't love running but there are things that I do love about running but I got nowhere and he wouldn't budge on his suggestion to NO RUNNING.

Things I love About Running
I love that I don't need a pool, a gym or any fancy equiptment to run.
I love that I can run at 5am or 7pm.
I love that I can run by myself, with Lilly (my puppy), with a buddy or with a group.
I love to dress up for races and that makes running more FUN!
I love to do races with friends, it's a great workout and a social outting with girlfriends.
I love the way I feel after I run.
I love the challenge that I have created for myself through running.
I love to run because I feel accomplished when I hit a new milestone or setting a PR.
I love to run because I love to eat cookies and not feel SO guilty.

So my list isn't that long and it might be a battle but I am not a quitter…

The therapist suggested not running for 3 weeks minimum which I can handle and it gives me just enough time before the St. Patrick's Day 8k to rest my knee. I will also be going to therapy 2x a week to do some strength/stretching as well as ultra sound and electrode therapy.

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