Thursday, July 10, 2014


Today I set out to run 9 miles because the cruise is coming up and I am nervous about being able to stick to the schedule. I haven't ran 9 miles yet and I anticipated it being brutal but once again I amazed myself. At about mile 4 I get into a rhythm and somewhere after mile 5 I forget that I hate running and it feels like I could run forever! Mile 6, mile 7, mile 8, and mile 9 came back to back and I was feeling so good I decided to keep going. I stopped quick at mile 10 to text R and let him know I was safe and still going. MMR does NOT like if you try to do anything other than RUN during a workout so the first leg of my run was 10.26. I decided that I wanted to finish 13.1 and created a route that made Starbucks my finish line which was an additional 3 plus miles. I might have bribed myself with the Starbucks and it sure did make for good motivation. Thanks to the Starbucks app I was able to enjoy a refreshing Blackberry Mojito Tea Lemonade. I felt amazing after that and so proud! I just kicked 13.1's butt and a few months ago the idea of running 3 miles was crazy!

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