Sunday, January 12, 2014

Running Away

Happy Sunday! We spent the day doing some home improvements and cleaning around the house. We woke up with a mission {clean said house for jewelry party next weekend} and I quickly discovered what I like LESS than running… painting and scrubbing the kitchen! The whole day all I could think about was running {OK, maybe it's not all that I was thinking about BUT its as the most I've thought about running e.v.e.r.}. I don't know if I am slowly becoming obsessed OR if I just wanted to avoid the paint brush and Clorox wipes as well as the other 5,873 things on my to do list (I am also avoiding them now!). I may have been trying to run away from the cleaning which if that is the case I need to put some sort of {miserable} cleaning on my to-do list EVERY day so I feel motivated to run! So I laced up my new Mizunos for their very first run, which was really exciting! I also wore my jazzy new leggings from Lizzie which I love!


I stretched like Gumby, reported my route to my doting husband who worries about me running, downloaded Sam's Letters to Jennifer {and got a mini lecture about only running with 1 earbud and to be aware of my surroundings, etc. etc. etc.}, started up MapMyRun and set off on my run. I had hoped to do at least 2 miles but was really shooting for 3!


My run didn't got quite how I had hoped because my knee started hurting and at about 1 mile I couldn't bare to run anymore so I headed back home. I kept repeating a few of the quotes from the "Running Advice" post {"Any run is better than no run." "Listen to your body." "You will not regret the run you take, you will only regret the ones you don't."}


Roger was a little surprised to see me after only 17 minutes and immediately directed me to the ice after telling me how stubborn I am and that I need to give my knee a rest, etc! 

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